About us

Hey! Thank you so much for stopping by! I'm Kristine. I've been married going on 8 years to David and together we have three children, Moriah, David IV, and Autumn. I'm a stay at home mom who loves to worship, workout and write. I cry at all the sentimental family commercials. In the words of singer and songwriter Jewel, "I'm sensitive and I'd like to stay that way." No matter how short I cut my hair, people still guess that I'm half my age...I guess I'll appreciate that one day:) By nature, I'm able to find humor in almost any situation. I guess that's why David and I are such a good match. He's definitely the comedian. He's able to make any situation humorous. How he was able to make me crack up during contractions, I don't know:)  He's an engineering tech who is a born renaissance man. This time he's not paying me to say this.:) Any task given to him, he is willing and will put a creative spin on it. He is always up to a challenge and awesome at impersonations.  He allows and always encourages me to just be me.

Together we strive to reach our goal in raising our family closer to Christ and closer to one another. We have our ups and downs but I seriously thank God for laughter, (hmm... kinda seems like an oxymoron:)) it really does help lighten those rough patches that life throws at us every now and then. Everyday as I interact with the kids I see glimpses of how God is speaking to us. Even though we are grown adults, its funny how similar we are to preschoolers in how we respond to God. And like the awesome parent He is to us, He never fails to answer in love and patience. I'm learning how to become an effective parent through His model and also learning how to be a loving and trusting child. I hope this blog captures these nuggets and my prayer is that they will also help you understand, even if it's an inch more, the depth of His love for us:)


  1. OMG!!! So proud of you! Such an encouragement and I pray God's wisdom pours out of you like never before. God bless and and your family.

    1. Thanks Bianca. That really meant a lot! God bless your family too!

  2. My beautiful beautiful friend! I love your blog! It brought me to tears already! I know what to pray for tonight and you have given me such inspiration just in your first sentiments to the world. I love the pictures! If you don't know what to say just include a photo and your smile will shine like the sun.

    1. Aww that's so sweet:) You know that your encouragement motivated me to start blogging. So I'm so thankful for you and I will keep you in my prayers also!
