Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dates with the kids

Some time ago, I went to a moms 4 moms group that I try to go to regularly.  The speaker for the evening discussed the life of her mother who had just passed away, and in so many ways had left an awesome legacy. One of the topics she touched on was how her mother had dates with each of her children. It was a way of her setting aside one on one time with each of them and she continued this tradition until they were grown.

Not long after that meeting, David and I started having official "Mommy and girls" and "Daddy and boys time" (I have no idea why we pluralize "boys." I guess just to keep it consistent with the girls:)) Even though initially we agreed to alternate children and we look forward to switching, we always find  something for just the girls to do and the boys find something also. 

 A few days ago I prepped Moriah and told her that we would have a girls time soon. Like many other kids, it doesn't take much to excite her. So we agreed that we would have a make over for our special time together while the boys watched Spider-man, wrestled and made paper planes that they got from Chick-fil-a.

Even Autumn got in on the fun and managed to put eye shadow all over my cheek:)

It was nice to spend time with her and not have to worry about rushing. It also gave me a chance to enjoy and notice how she is maturing. I'm hoping that this is going to be the foundation of many important conversations in the future and something that they will pass down to their kids. But for now I'm just enjoying the bonding and these times when there is nothing they would rather do than to hang out with Mommy and Daddy:)