Monday, June 24, 2013

Activities with the kids

My heart's desire is for me to know my children. To know their individual strengths, weaknesses, interests, dreams, fears, passions, personalities, etc. Since summer began,  I have been constantly scanning my brain to find ways to prevent and defeat boredom and to actively participate in activities that will not only meet these objectives but will also encourage bonding between us and especially between the kids. I (what mother wouldn't?) would really love for them to grow up to not only be close but have a bond free of jealousy, unhealthy competitiveness, and unnecessary sibling rivalry. I would rather them encourage one another's strength and help meet each other's needs in time of weakness. So that when they get older they know how to have healthy relationships with co-workers, family, friends and especially their brothers and sisters in Christ.

David and I are a great balance. Teaching the kids reading, writing and educational games probably excites me just as much, if not more than the kids. Whereas David thrives off throwing them in the air, running around with them, watching movies and just hanging out. Today after my daughter recited a line from Wreck It Ralph and when I had no idea what she was talking about she asked, "Mom why don't you watch SpidermanWreck it Ralph"?  And she named a few others. I said, "Because you watch that stuff with Daddy.  Mommy plays like educational games and Daddy..."  But before I could finish she jumped in and said "like Daddy is the funnest." As much as I wanted to correct her and say, "Dear, funnest is not a word."  I just said "Yeah, Daddy is the funnest." :)  But it's a great balance. The best thing about all the activities, both educational and fun, plus everything else in between is seeing the kids personalities come out, passions being realized and creating memories.

Summer Reading Project

This is the first summer project we started. Both kids got their first library cards and started the project on May 21st. The goal is for them to read 100 books this summer. David chooses his own books and so does Moriah. After they read each book, they write the title of it in the box on the chart. We are at the halfway point now! I think they love tracking the books on the charts more than they enjoy reading them:)  I'm not sure what the big treat is going to be at the end of the project but there definitely will be a celebration!