Saturday, May 22, 2021

9 weeks

 This week was challenging. When things get hard in life, and I feel like I need some back up. I send out a group text to those who I know will pray for me immediately. I used to use that strategy often while at work and dealing with so much responsibility,  personalities, and situations where I honestly just needed strength or a miracle. Since I stopped working, I haven't used it in a while until this passed week. I could tell my husband was undergoing stress and a spiritual attack. My prayer and devotion time has not been quality. A lot if it is spent in my bed in between naps and turning over. The fatigue and nausea has been very present. So I texted my crew to fill in the gap for me and they came through as always. Though I didn't hear any of their prayers. I mostly got a reply that simply said, "Praying now" or "On it" 

The results included me getting energy to pray more, David and I spent some time with another couple who are great friends and he was able to express his frustrations. They were able to encourage him and share their perspectives which were very edifying. My nausea and fatigue subsided a lot. I was able to put together some ways to help manage the stress. I saw a lot of improvement over this week. Taking less naps, getting more chores done and I walked my first mile in like 5 weeks!  So it's been a blessed week. 

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