Monday, July 29, 2013

Moriah did it! 100 books!

To ensure that the kids made an educational advancement during the summer, I created a book chart for them.  It allowed them to document each book they read and the goal was 100 books. I mentioned the details in a previous post, Activities with kids.

I encouraged them to choose their own books. David usually chose a book about trucks and Moriah chose Barbie, princess and color themes. I would have David read his book to me (the library has a section called EZ level 1 books) and Moriah would read me hers which would be more challenging, either level 2 or 3. Or I would have David read one page and Moriah read the other.  Books I read to them also counted.

It was great to see Moriah finish a book and close it with excitement and run to record it on her chart. Every time she reached a number she was impressed with, smiling from ear to ear, she would tell Daddy as soon as she saw him after he arrived from work. Today was a good day at the library. We read several books there and then she came home and ran in her room to record them on her chart. When she was done, she ran back into the kitchen and exclaimed "Mommy I made it! I read 100 books!" I hugged her like she just graduated from college:) I told her I was so proud of her and she said she was proud of herself.

Her favorite book: A Day With No Crayons by Elizabeth Rusch. When I asked her why this was her favorite, she said that like the character in the book, she too was able to still play without crayons. One day while she was playing outside, she made herself out of mulch and made a flower from a rock and grass. She's definitely an artist!

Her reward: We have a collection of ideas. I'm not sure how we are going to execute it all. Whether if it's all going to be designated for one day or a series of treats spread out over a period of time. We started off with Sea World. But then I thought about the heat and I was like "" My poor Autumn and her curly fro sweats at the drop of a dime. She suggested 'Mommy and girls time' (we have 'dates' with the kids when each parent spends one on one time with each child) where we just mix colors. She also wants to go to the beach, and I also suggested the zoo. So we will see!

After she was done, she came and hung out with me in the kitchen and just talked about colors. She told me about primary colors and what is formed when certain colors are mixed, and about creating names for colors. I thank God for noticing that her accomplishment was inspiring her passion(colors!). Now I'm looking forward to working on another project for the school year!

David somehow fell a few books (like 10!) behind Moriah. I'm pretty sure it was because he would record a book on his chart and then play with his trucks and cars and forget about the others to document. But it's all good. Tomorrow is another library day and as of now he only has 4 more to go. So I will update his stats when he completes his!
 This is from a summer reading program they are also participating in at our local library.


  1. Congrats to them both (I'm sure your son will knock out his last few in no time)! Such an awesome way to spend the summer and it sounds like they enjoyed every bit of reading (which is the way learning should be)! Love this idea!

  2. Thanks! Yeah they did enjoy it, and I enjoyed watching them learn about new topics and words. One of my favorite activities for sure!
